Am I Ever Behind!!!
I can't believe I've gotten so far behind in updating my website—and especially my home page. Mea culpa and I'm not offering any excuses except for old age tinged with a bit of laziness. I won't promise to do better. That way I won't be breaking a promise if I fail to do better.
The important thing—the BIG news—is that The Angel on the Hill released on Christmas. Just as I had expected, I had to pray my way through the writing day by day. Starting out, I barely had any idea what I was doing. Fortunately, the Lord did.
Here's what the cover ended up looking like...

I honestly believe this is one of my best novels. Read the Prologue and part of the first chapter at here.
Original Songs
Ready? Here's my newest recording. "Like Waiting for Spring Rains." is a very short song, but an important one since it's about waiting for Jesus' return.
Here it is.
Thought for the Week of 7/14/2024
“It is the duty of every Christian
to be Christ to his neighbor.”
Martin Luther
I hope you enjoy your visit and come again soon.
Best regards,
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